Informational Alert

Test QA informational alert

South Carolina Environmental Public Health Tracking logo image

What is Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT)

South Carolina Tracking (SC Tracking) is the ongoing collection, integration, analysis and interpretation of environmental health data. South Carolina in partnership with the CDC's National Environmental Public Health Tracking program intends to make environmental health data and information available in a consistent format to track data over time. Exploring data allows us to analyze the correlation between potential health effects related to the environment and environmental hazards and exposures.

Katie O'Shields and Emma Durant join Michelle Harris of Columbia's Praise to discuss DHEC's SC Tracking Program and how it is bringing interactive public health data to South Carolina residents.

Audio file

Katie O'Shields & Emma Durant


South Carolina Environmental Health Public Tracking Network

In 2016, the World Health Organization estimated that 13.7 million annual deaths were linked to the environment. Environmental factors that can contribute to adverse health outcomes include air pollution, severe heat, water quality, severe weather occurrences, increasing allergens and changes in vector ecology. In 2020, South Carolina ranked 21st in air pollution and higher levels of air pollution can cause asthma, decreased lung function and early death. Asthma, air pollution, fluorized water percentages, diabetes, lung cancer and so many other priority areas will be evaluated using the tracking system to improve the environmental and public health of South Carolinians.

SC Tracking aims to provide a network of integrated health and environmental data to reduce the burden of environmental health-related conditions for South Carolinians. SC Tracking will provide access to data and information that communities can use to make informed decisions about their health while encouraging them to take care of the environment.

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