Antibiogram Project


Compared to active surveillance, cumulative antibiograms can offer a relatively feasible, easy, accurate and inexpensive method to collect and predict antimicrobial susceptibility rates in a given geographic region. Aggregate reporting of antibiograms may fail to identify the influence of surrounding communities and will not allow for patient- or case-specific data as is the case in active surveillance.

Hospital Infection Control

Hospital Infection Control: HIDA Information For Hospitals

Hospital Infections Disclosure Act (HIDA)

In May 2006, the South Carolina General Assembly passed the Hospital Infections Disclosure Act. Hospitals must report Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) from selected procedures to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). The reporting requirements are being phased in.

HIDA Public Reports

The Hospital Infections Disclosure Act (HIDA), passed by the South Carolina General Assembly in May 2006, requires hospitals to report specific types of infections to DPH. DPH must then compile and analyze the data to provide a final, validated report to the General Assembly by April 15 of each year. DPH then publishes that report to its website.