Nursing Home Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Projects

Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) are monetary penalties imposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) against nursing homes that have failed to maintain compliance with federal requirements. A portion of CMPs collected from nursing homes are returned to the states in which the CMPs were imposed and may be reinvested or used for projects supporting activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect and improve their quality of care or quality of life. CMP funds may be used for, but not limited to the following:

Nursing Homes

Nursing homes may not be established, operated, or maintained in South Carolina without first obtaining a state license from DHEC in a manner provided by Article 3, Chapter 7, Title 44 of the South Carolina Code of Laws and DHEC regulations. Licensed nursing homes may volunteer to participate in the federal Medicare and Medicare programs, and DHEC is charged with enforcing the federal standards on behalf of the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS). DHEC ensures nursing homes in South Carolina comply with state licensing and federal health and safety standards.

Intermediate Care Facilities - Intellectual Disabilities

Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) Program surveys intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disability. Surveyors meet professional qualifications of the designation Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional (QIDP).

ICF/IID Regulations 42 CFR 483 Subpart I Interpretive Guidance: SOM Appendix J (pdf)

Health Facilities Construction Overview

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (S.C. DHEC) Division of Health Facilities Construction reviews plans, specifications, and construction for health care facilities which DHEC licenses in South Carolina. This authority comes from the South Carolina Legislature. Some health care facility types such as doctors offices and clinics are not licensed by S.C. DHEC and thus are not reviewed or inspected by us.

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