SC Trauma System

What is a Trauma System?

The Trauma System is a network of definitive care facilities that provide a spectrum of care for all injured patients. An ideal trauma system includes all components identified with optimal trauma care, such as prevention, access, EMS, acute hospital care, rehabilitation, and research activities. In addition, trauma systems emphasize the need for various levels of centers to cooperate in the care of injured patients to avoid wasting precious resources.

SC EMS for Children Program

In 1994, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) obtained federal grant funding to integrate the special treatment needs of pediatric patients into the state's EMS and hospital systems. This program became the South Carolina EMS for Children (SC EMSC) program.

The program is housed under the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). These national health agencies created specific Performance Measures to ensure optimal pediatric care is addressed and evaluated.