Who May Request Reports

  1. A practitioner or pharmacist or authorized delegate who requests information and certifies that the requested information is for the purpose of providing medical or pharmaceutical treatment to a bona fide patient;
  2. An individual who requests the individual's own prescription monitoring information in accordance with procedures established pursuant to state law;
  3. A designated representative of the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation responsible for the licensure, regulation, or discipline of practitioners, pharmacists, or other persons aut

PMP Delegate Policy

(a) Practitioner/Pharmacist must directly supervise the person(s) to whom access authority is delegated;

(b) Practitioner/Pharmacist, as holder of the master account for Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) access, is responsible for delegate's use of the PMP;

(c) The authorized delegate is responsible for any and all breaches of the Prescription Monitoring Act (PMA) and agrees to take responsibility for any violation of the Act;

Non Compliance Penalties

What can occur to those who do not report or disclose confidential information?

Dispensers who fail to report will be subject to a two thousand ($2,000) dollars fine and/or two (2) years imprisonment. Authorized users who knowingly disclose their account user information or breach confidentiality of the information will be subject to a ten thousand ($10,000) dollars fine and/or ten (10) years imprisonment.

For additional information call 803-896-0688 or email scripts@dph.sc.gov.

New PMP Law FAQs

Continuing the efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in South Carolina, the Governor signed H.3728 into law on May 16, 2019, with an effective date of January 1, 2021. Highlights from this law are listed below, and more information on the e-prescribing and opioid antidote administration reporting requirements are contained on this page.

Individual’s Request for Prescription Monitoring Report

An individual may request a copy of his or her own S.C. Prescription Monitoring Report (PMP). Please fill out the Patient Request for Own PMP form completely and include the desired date range for the report. PMP data is maintained in the system for 6 years. The form must be notarized and returned with a copy of the individual's current government issued identification. Please be aware the report will only be mailed to the address listed on the government issued identification.