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The text messaging service will encourage adults and seniors to make the healthy choice the easy choice. All texts focus on changing behaviors and include nutrition tips and information, quick and easy healthy recipes, healthy beverage options, creative budget saving tips, tips on using less salt, and fun ideas on how to be more active.

TEXT “2bwellsc” TO 77948 and get weekly text messages.

Text STOP to cancel. Message and data rates may apply.
Collected data is private and will not be sold or shared with any other third party.
2bwellsc Text Support

YouTube - First Choice Fit

South Carolina football star Marcus Lattimore teamed up with First Choice to encourage kids to be First Choice Fit. Being First Choice Fit means eating right, being active, and seeing your doctor — even if you have not been sick. Getting a well visit each year is an important part of being First Choice Fit. Check out the YouTube Channel for great exercise and cooking videos, featuring Marcus and Registered Dietitian Brooke Brittain. Subscribe to receive regular updates.

How Members Stay Active

Below are some ways text2bwellsc participants have started moving more. 

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