Don't get discouraged if you have trouble getting a good latch at first. Follow the steps and repeat if necessary. Keep in mind that breastfeeding should not be painful. If you still have trouble after a few tries, ask a lactation consultant, breastfeeding coordinator, peer counselor or your baby's doctor for help. With a little practice, you and your little one will both be enjoying the benefits of breastfeeding.

Remember, breast is best!

Follow These Five Steps for a Good Latch

  1. Find a comfortable position for you and your baby. You can use pillows or a breastfeeding pillow for extra support.
  2. Gently support your baby's head and shoulders so he is facing you chest to chest.
  3. Use your nipple to tickle your baby's upper lip until his mouth is open wide.
  4. Pull your baby onto your breast so that he takes the whole nipple and about 1 inch of your breast into his mouth. His lips should be turned outward.
  5. To remove your baby from the breast, gently insert your pinky finger into the corner of your baby's mouth to break the suction and remove him from your breast.

5 Steps to a Good Latch information in English and Spanish (pdf)